Orbis and PBMA’s H.V. Desai Eye Hospital Launch State-of-the-Art Green Vision Center in Satara


The eyes are the windows to the soul, and it’s crucial to take care of them. Orbis, a global non-governmental organization, and PBMA’s H.V. Desai Eye Hospital have inaugurated the Green Vision Center (GVC) in Satara, Maharashtra, to provide primary eye care and optical services to the community. This center is different from others because it’s sustainable and environmentally friendly, making it an innovative approach to eye care.

The GVC features solar-powered electricity, energy-efficient appliances, and digital data management software that helps improve patient care and data management. This center is a vital connection between communities and eye care providers. It serves as a bridge that promotes uninterrupted access to eye health services while contributing to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This move is vital because it addresses the issue of sustainability while providing access to quality eye care.

Derek Hodkey, President, and CEO of Orbis International, notes that the Green Vision Centers are a great way to help communities access eye care while promoting sustainable development. In this light, we can conclude that the GVC is a significant milestone for eye care in Satara, Maharashtra. Patients can rest assured that they are receiving quality eye care in an environmentally friendly facility.


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