Beating Amyloidosis: A Pioneering Heart Transplant at Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai

Medical team at Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai performing a heart transplant surgery

Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai marks its 8th successful heart transplant, offering a second chance at life to an Amyloidosis patient.

In the ongoing quest to provide advanced healthcare solutions, Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai has recently accomplished its eighth successful heart transplant. This particular case underscores the hospital’s commitment to innovation in healthcare, as the patient, a 40-year-old man, was suffering from the life-threatening condition of Amyloidosis.

The patient had arrived at Apollo with severe symptoms such as chest pain, breathlessness, and fatigue. Amyloidosis had triggered abnormal protein deposits in his heart, leading to heart failure. As his condition was irreversible, the only option for survival was a heart transplant. The Apollo team, under the leadership of Dr. Sanjeev Jadhav, Consultant, CVTS, Heart & Lung Transplant Surgery, swiftly sprang into action when they received news of a brain-dead individual in a South Mumbai hospital on April 4th, 2023.

With the aid of Mumbai and Navi Mumbai traffic control police, a green corridor was swiftly established, enabling the heart to be transported to Apollo in just 46 minutes. The heart transplant surgery was successfully completed with no complications, and the patient is now recovering well.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Jadhav stated, “This case is an example of the power of medical science, and the importance of organ donation. From the retrieval of the donor’s heart to its successful implantation in the recipient, the Apollo transplant team worked in perfect synchrony. The intricate heart transplant surgery, spanning over four hours, is a testament to our team’s precision and expertise.”

Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai remains committed to medical innovation and outstanding healthcare services, thereby making a significant difference in the lives of patients, even in the face of complex health conditions.


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