Critical Heart Defect Corrected for 1-Week-Old Baby Thanks to Genesis Foundation and ACRE


A one-week-old baby girl born with a critical heart defect has received successful treatment, thanks to the Genesis Foundation and its CSR partner, Assets Care & Reconstruction Enterprise Ltd. (ACRE). The baby was born with Interrupted Aortic Arch A-P window, a defect that prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching all parts of the body and can lead to severe symptoms like congestive heart failure.

The baby girl was brought to Artemis Hospital in Gurugram and was in need of a life-saving corrective surgery. Her father, a driver, was unable to afford the procedure. The Genesis Foundation stepped in and provided the necessary funds for the surgery.

“This was a complex and high-stakes operation, but we are proud to have been able to correct this critical heart defect for this baby girl,” said Dr. Aseem Srivastava, Head of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery at Artemis Hospitals.

The procedure was funded by ACRE as part of their ongoing efforts to improve healthcare through their CSR initiatives. Together with the Genesis Foundation, they have already helped over 80 children with heart defects receive life-saving treatment. “We are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of these children,” said Mr. Jatin Mahajan, Senior Manager at ACRE.


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